Dating can be expensive. Dating someone who loves the arts is even more so, but the budding romance of fall beckons and the arts are in bloom, so you’ve got to do something to avoid a lonely winter. To help you out we’ve planned a few dates – complete with a meal and arts for two – that can suit a range of wallet sizes. Now all you have to worry about is the breath mints...Read the full article here. Published in print in City Arts Magazine, September 2010.
Read moreThe Rake: Go Broke →
Proactively spiting the economy’s brutal attempts to withhold the world of art from the cash strapped, Western Washington University-based “TAFÉ” (rhymes with “café”), which stands for “Taking Advantage of Free Events,” not only encourages but requires its members to attend any and every free event within their reach. Founder Kajori Ahmed explains to City Arts what spawned this innovation and what keeps the group moving on through both the boring and the beautiful...Read the full article here. Published in print in City Arts Magazine, September 2010.
Read moreCurator's Eye: Mavi Contemporary Art Gallery →
The closure of the much-loved Two Vaults Gallery earlier this year was viewed by most as a tragedy for the local arts community. Where others saw an end, though, Mavi and Elizabeth Ashe saw a beginning...Read the full article here. Published in print in City Arts Magazine, September 2010
Read moreTheatre Review: Cider House Rules →
For the last twenty years, Book-It Repertory Theatre has made the wearying task of adapting novels for the stage look easy. For those who haven’t seen a production: the unique style weaves expository narration from the original text into the lines of the play. So Homer, while in the act of looking frantically...Read the full review here. Published online for City Arts Magazine.
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