The Lich's Lamp
Welcome Master...
You don't seem to be my usual master. Are you not The Lich Astromanthus Garthax of the ancient Asmigor?
[["Yeah, that's me"]]
[["Nah, I'm someone else."]]Great! Now what would you like me to do for you master?
[["Um, remind me what you do again?"->Main Menu]]You must be my master the Lich in another form to trick me! Don't worry master, I know it's really you! So what would you have me do? Your lamp is humbly at your service.
[["Seriously, I'm not your master."]]
[["Um, yeah, that's me, the Lich, all triksy, look'n like me instead of how I usually look. Um, remind me what you do again?"]]
(link: "save")[(save-game: "file A")]
Ha ha ha! Silly master! You can't trick me; I know it's really you. Would you like a reminder of my functions?
[[Main Menu]]Yes! I'm so glad I found out it was you. It would so bad if you weren't the Lich, if that were the case you told me I had to horrifylingly curse anyone who stole me from you. Ha! That curse would be so painful, I'm glad you are the Lich.
[["Um, about that..."]]
[[Gulp. "Ha ha, me too."->Main Menu]](if: (history:) contains "Oh Shit!")[You are horrifyingly cursed with not being able to use my powerful lamp powers! Go away! Put me down! I curse you! I curse you!
(t8n-depart: "dissolve")[[Please don't hurt me!]]]
(else:)[Master, here are a list of my core functions:
I can...
[[Sythasize a magical item of your choosing]]
[[Enhance your physical form through enchanting]]
[[Horrifyling curse an enemy you despise]]]Yes my lord, what sort of item would you be desiring?
[[a weapon]]
[[a tool]]
[[a toy]]
[[a mystery]]
(link: "click here")[(goto-url: '')]
Yes master. Hold very still now.
Your Lucky number is (random: 1, 4)
So you'd like to curse someone horribly master?
<style> img {
max-height: 100%;
I am at your service. Is there something you are thinking of in particular? Is there something extra fitting this particular victim that you would like me to include in their punishment? Anything you know they are extra afraid of that I can use to frighten them best? Anything extra ironic I can include? I do like to be creative in these matters as you well know. So anything extra terrible come to mind?
[["Just give them the generic one]]
[["Random guy, random curse, you should know me better lamp."]]
[["Their butt and pits are always really really sweaty!"]]
[["Everything they eat now tastes like Red Lobster Chedder Bay Biscuts! (That will get so annoying after a while... probably.)"]]IF YOU BE NOT THE GREAT NECROMANCER Astromanthus Garthax YOU SHALL BE FOREVER CURSED!!!
(t8n-depart: "shudder")[[Oh Shit!]]
[["Okay! You caught me I'm the Lich!"->Main Menu]]I'll give you one last chance, are you sure you aren't the lich?
[["Oh I am alright!"->Main Menu]]
(link: "load")[(load-game: "file A")]Alright master. Just speak the name of the being you want to curse and the deed shall be done.
[[Speak Name]]
Please inform your DM of the name you have chosen before proceeding.The deed is done my lord. May your wrath be haphazarard: unknowable in power and direction.
I tire great lord. I must rest before I can be used for your will anew.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.I'm sorry master but I don't know what that is. A biscut made with lobster and cheese? Is the biscut red? |1)[I need more information master! I wish to serve you, but I'm having trouble with your cryptic spells, though I suppose you are an all-powerful lich!]
(link:"Oh, it's a biscut alright!")[(show:?1)]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Okay, the deed has been done. I have placed six dozen spiders up the being's anus as you ordered. The very unoriginal "Spiders up anus" curse. They are sure to have a very uncomfortable afternoon.
Thank you for using the all powerful Lich's Lamp. I am depleted and can no longer assist you at this time. Maybe try selling me for gold?Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.